"The final scene beetween Michelle Pfeiffer and Bruce Willis in The Story of Us. It's a Pfeiffer's monologue, and made me cry a lot! great list!"

"I disagree about De Niro, but like your Firth and Rudd choices. Well done."

"I have seen 23 , it's a nice score, right? :) Great choices! "

"Course you can disagree, but you did with respect and I appreciate that. Glad you liked the others items. Thanks, and thanks for the vote!"

"thanks for the comment and vote! and yeah, I know I have to watch it... :)"

"Ok, that was quick! LOL Thanks for the comment and the vote! And thanks I'm not that alone then! :)"

"Yeah, I think Bruce Willis is one of the best, too. And I like that single fang coming out from Christian Bale`s mouth LOL Some are pretty lame like Keanu Reeves, they simply draw the teeth on the lip"

"1. brunette 2. blonde 3. brunette 4. brunette 5. blonde 6. blonde 7. blonde 8. brunette 9. brunette 10. brunette 11. brunette 12. blonde 13. blonde 14. blonde 15. brunette"

"Heather Graham looks weird with red hair, and I also prefer a brunette Liv Tyler. For the rest I totally agree. :)"

"Randall from Monsters Inc, very scary! and with voice of Steve Buscemi, scarier!! f you're going to add more items, I suggest the evil queen from Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". She scare"

"Agree with the Kate Austen role, but if I were a CSI I would be Sarah (from CSI LV) :) Good choices!"

"-I WANT THE THRUTH!! -YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Awesome, thanks for adding my suggestion!! Great list!"

"Thanks for the comments and the votes... it's a nice welcome for me! :)"

"Doc Robbins disability is real??? Both legs amputated? God, I didn't know that! Now I remember the character of Michael Weatherly on Dark Angel, he was on a wheelchair, right?"

"I like black and white. But in this case I'll go for black. :)"

"Mine was English. In this case, the subject taught the language (how to speak, write and read it). Good list!"

"Aguanten los rulos!! I have curly hair and sometimes I have to fight with them to make look nice LOL Nice list raulo, suggest Meg Ryan (before surgery) http://www.listal.com/viewimage/297245"

"This is a great list! a lot of this movies were the first action movies I saw and enjoyed. Love the tag lines. Nice job!"

"I can't help notice that most of the women are leaning, right? lovely pictures though... "