"Cute pictures, I like it! If you like... http://www.listal.com/viewimage/306679 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/483176 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2681611"

"Ok, you have some weird choices here! LOL But you had me when you put Bruce Willis in the first item... ;)"

"I like it too! sugggest Evangeline Lilly http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2243122 or http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2249966"

"Truly impressive propelas, good job! Particularly I don´t like lists with just names... but I understand that are too many items to add pictures or more details. God, I have so many movies to watch!!"

"I was going to vote but I did it already! LOL"

"Looooooove him!!!! and love u for doing this!! LOL "

"good taste! I discovered a really cute picture for one of my lists! thanks!"

"Nice paranoic list... :) I can suggest Eagle Eye. Ethan Shaw: First Lieutenant Ethan Shaw, United States Air Force, initiating a Prime One Emergency Override of A.R.I.A system. Minuteman ID: 8-8-0-8-"

"Robert Redford is more blonde than ginger... I think. What do you think about Jesse Tyler Fergurson, from Modern Family? http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2871051 Nice list!"

"@Sofzpurk Thanks! @Skip I'm glad u liked the list anyway... and yeah, you look very creepy! LOL @Minuto Please, no, I don´t hate them. As I said in the list I really enjoyed Fargo but then I realiz"

"this makes perfect sense! I had never noticed about it... Well, in The Dark Knight, Batman did not kill Harvey "Two Faces" Dent. He falls from the building where he was, breaking his neck and died fr"

"Hey! I got another one, apparently the spanish movie El Orfanato is not good enough, so Hollywood is developing the remake "The orphanage". Coming to teathers in 2013."

"Oh my God, you're really upset!!! LOL but you're totally right... Love your comments! :) Oh, apparently there's gonna be a remake of Point Break, and according to IMBD has already a provisional year "

"thanks for the vote and suggestion Mejo, it's already added!! But you can suggest one at a time, and just movies not TV shows, however I took your idea... now if you want, you can suggest again. And"

"I would put a bigger picture of the girls with their names (I didn't recognize some of them) But it's just me. Good list!"

"this is included in one of my list, was the first that came to my mind ;) http://www.listal.com/viewimage/960938 nice list!"

"Is a compliment already for Paris Hilton that anyone considers her as an actress, beyond her beauty or uglyness. And Celine Dion is a singer, and has a beautiful voice, no doubt about it."