"I voted here! Great list, by the way!"

"@Villiana Now we are in summmer, but yersterday was cold, rainy, and windy! "Nice day of summer" right? haha @horrorfan @Orpheus... Thanks guys!! @Antares Mira, nene, si fueras daltonico no harias e"

"haha Snow is nice too look at too Villiana! Well, maybe for me, because here never snows!! Thanks for your vote! :)"

"@Antares Yo tambien tengo mi lado artistico! jajaja @Horrofan Thanks for your nice comment!"

"Esta noche tengo pesadillas, seguro!! (aunque Hugh Laurie no esta tan mal, eh?? jaja)"

"Que genia seria estar ahí y ver esas esculturas de hielo y luces en persona... fantástico!"

"First of all, thanks Fortunato for such a nice comment... I'm so glad you like this list so much, and that we agree. About the other stuff, it's ok, we all can have different opinions as we respect ea"

"Gracias Antares por el voto y el comentario. La manzana esta genial! jaja"

""Chief of Unicorn Division"?!?!? WTF?!?"

""Cute" is not the word to define her pictures, but when she's smile she can't hide her cute dimples! haha Rooney Mara http://www.listal.com/viewimage/3262491"

"Cinco veces?!?!? Epa, habra que darle una chance, entonces. Gracias!"

"GRACIAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!! La primera vez que me dedican una lista, que honor! jajaja Me alegra haber podido ayudar. A ver cuando vaya a la playa si me mando alguna de estas estatuitas jajaja O_o"

""El pianista" no la he visto, esta tan buena como para verla dos veces??"

"Perfectos ingredientes para un hechizo! Muy acertada dedicatoria, amigo! (Perfect ingredients for a spell! A wise dedication, my friend!)"

"Another one of Tim Burton could be... "Not including Johnny Depp or my wife in my next film!" Cool list!"