"Antares sos el primer comensal en llegar! Gracias por venir (y votar!) :D"

"Adorable people indeed!... Last guy I really hated was Sharlto Coplay in Elysium, what a son of a freaking bitch! (and somehow, the only good thing in that movie)"

"1 Friends 2 House MD 3 Lost 4 Dexter 5 The big bang Theory 6. 24 7. Criminal Minds 8. How I met your mother 9. Sherlock 10. Modern Family"

"Wow, some wax museums should check this list and see how to do it right!"

"SPOILER: The end of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button when he dies, as a baby, in the arms of his beloved one."

"Spoiler: The death of Maeve on Criminal Minds. She wasn't a regular character but she meant a lot for one of the stars and was way too sad!!!"

"Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks Anna!!! You're so sweet! And I love Freddie Mercury, that's not my favorite song but... is nice that you pick that song for me, don't change it! :D Thanks again for including me h"

"May I suggest...? Dr. House: Head of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1339532"

"El tango es pasión... (Tango is passion) I could get to know more my (now) husband thanks to some tango's steps ;)"

"Lamento que hayas tenido que agregar otro nombre a tu lista... QEPD Paul Walker :("